We invite all followers of JESUS to advocate with love on behalf of the sanctity of every life, no matter: age, ability to care for oneself, personal history or circumstance, knowing that every person is equally and without partiality, most precious and so very valuable to GOD.  We encourage one another to gather with deliberate and purposeful unity and great mercy at locations where this sanctity is urgently necessary.

Our mission is to save lives within our community and around the world – spiritually and physically, and to fulfill GOD’s Great Commission. We serve: abortion minded parents, prochoice clinicians, prochoice advocates and local community members, who need to know The LOVE of GOD and Power of The Gospel!

Every day in Pittsburgh, more than 21 peri-viable children are killed by abortion, or 150 children per week. 7,786 children die annually in our city as a result of abortion, and approximately 325,551 children have been tragically aborted during the last 50 years. 

Also most traumatic are the spiritual consequences faced by approximately 16,000 Pittsburgh area parents each year, with well over a half of a million parents choosing abortion since 1974. These traumatic consequences are not limited to parents who have chosen to end the lives of their children; but also, negatively impact all other family members, and adversely affect our entire community.

Globally, according to Guttmacher Institute’s March 2022 WorldWide Factsheet, 73 million children are killed every year as a result of abortion. Further, Guttmacher reports that in the United States, 930,160 children were aborted during the year of 2020, while Pennsylvania’s latest abortion statistic results indicate 33,206 children died by abortion in 2021 (health.pa.gov). Paralleling this trajectory, regional, national and global rises continue related to: ptsd incidence, violent crimes, depressions, suicides, co morbid and morbid medical conditions and dramatic decreases in life expectancy.

There is greatest need for CHRIST followers to become activated advocates for life, including Monday through Sunday, during business hours, serving as advocates for all life at abortion clinics and hospitals providing abortion. These great needs can be met in love by: prayer, sharing of personal testimony and the Good News of JESUS, giving thanks, praise, and worship to our LORD, and through personal giving or donations of tangible items for expectant parents. The Pittsburgh public locations in need of coverage presently include Planned Parenthood (PP), 933 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 and Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (ARHC), 5910 Kirkwood Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. The hours are 7:30 am until approximately 6 pm. [*Note, RSDI|PIT will target Pittsburgh hospitals with pro-life advocacy post the closing of the above operating clinics.]

Please pray for personal, corporate, regional, national and global sensitivity to follow GOD’s Will to seek and save souls facing these major challenges within our own communities. Additional prayer points and opportunities to help include practicing encouragement within the Church to become and stay involved in life advocacy, and making commitments to serve in love sacrificially as CHRIST’S Disciples related to life affirmation across all regards. Please educate friends and family related to our community’s critical needs and share this website with your church. Restorers  are asked to sign up for the location they are called to serve. 

JESUS, create a clean heart and steadfast spirit within us to compassionately intercede for the lives of: the unborn, parents considering abortion, and all employed or advocating for abortion at facilities where abortion is performed. LORD, please grant our actions demonstrate that we do love one another as YOU Love us, in YOUR NAME JESUS, we thank YOU and implore, AMEN! Also, FATHER, in JESUS’ NAME, grant YOUR Church respond with The Authority of JESUS and the Anointing and Leading of YOU, HOLY SPIRIT, ending abortion worldwide!

There are immediate and critical needs in nearly every major city around the world. At abortion’s current rate of incidence, the entire earth’s population, or nearly 7.97 billion people equal the number of parents choosing abortion for their children in only 5.5 years.

Please consider indicating accountability for 1 hour increments to serve as advocates for life, or even whole shifts, using the RSDI|PIT Level 2 Responsibility Form (sign up for correct location). Additionally, for those whose schedules are impossible to predetermine, spontaneous volunteers are most welcome to demonstrate GOD’s peace and love with us as able! These local service opportunities should be seen and prioritized as urgent! Ideally, a minimum of 12 RSDI|PIT full-time volunteers, at both locations, present all day, Monday through Sunday, will serve until these facilities close their doors permanently. Also, we are seeking many, many RSDI|PIT part-time volunteers to serve with love, humility, kindness and patience! Please be welcome to participate during Sunday business hours (only ARHC and hours are variable).

Aware that we enter HIS Gates with thanksgiving and HIS Courts with praise, we encourage when possible, RSDI|PIT participants to combine praise and worship music with service and faith, and expect The HOLY SPIRIT to Minister through us. *We also urge all participants to utilize their giftings onsite to Witness CHRIST through: greetings, sharing of The Gospel, direction, encouragement, teaching, strengthening, singing, praise, playing instruments, etc. Also, we support RSDI|PIT participants who display a life affirming scripture or message. These may be hand written or printed simply on white board (available at Walmart for under $5). Refer to Pro-Life Scriptures/Signs examples and printables (easily printed at Office Depot, online, etc.) under the RESOURCES tab. *Bluetooth speakers are widely available and we recommend a minimum of 80 watts (due to nearby traffic noise, wind, and local industry).

As of July 2023 website status, 40 Days for Life serves 64 nations to end abortion internationally and has made an enormous impact, saving 23,525 children, and closing 139 abortion centers! Let us come alongside their wonderful ministry to further engage the PRESENCE of The HOLY SPIRIT, WHO will perform lifesaving signs and wonders among us!! Together, we will save more lives for eternity! 2 Peter 3:9 teaches us, “The LORD is not slack concerning HIS Promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” HE is near to the brokenhearted. 

In the NAME of JESUS, we declare all of the following:

As Pittsburgh’s Restorers of Streets to Dwell In, we love The LORD our GOD with all of our hearts, all of our souls, and all of our minds, and we love our neighbors sacrificially, as JESUS loves us! We are passionate to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our GOD! We desire to turn from every evil, confess quickly, pray continuously, seek GOD’S Face, and demonstrate GOD’S Love in all that we do and say! We decree in The NAME of JESUS:

1.We are increasingly mindful to abide by faith in spirit and truth in the PRESENCE of The HOLY SPIRIT, practicing meekness and humility, with love for all in The NAME of JESUS! We repeatedly seek The Counsel of The HOLY SPIRIT and HIS Words by continual prayer. 

2.Those persons at risk for consenting to abortion do perceive about us The Love of GOD, hear in our witness The Voice of JESUS, and receive fervent prayer in The NAME of JESUS. Also, these persons most precious to GOD recognize humble, gentle and meek attitudes which offer encouragement, support and tangible methods of assistance!

3.Clinic staff and passers by also recognize The Love of GOD, hear in our witness The Voice of JESUS, and receive fervent prayer in The NAME of JESUS. Also, these persons most precious to GOD recognize humble and compassionate attitudes which reflect GOD’S Infinite Love, Forgiveness, Mercies and Grace.

4.Demonic possessions, oppressions, bondages, curses and yokes are subdued, rebuked, unloosed, broken, and removed in The NAME of JESUS and our brothers and sisters receive deliverance, healing, wholeness and restoration, in JESUS’ NAME! Kindness and truthfulness are bound to every neck and written on the tablets of these hearts, in JESUS’ NAME! We pray blessing upon blessing and the Will of GOD for each of these persons, in JESUS’ NAME!

5.Pharmaceutical, medical and surgical abortion are rebuked, bound, broken in power, and rendered illegal in our cities, nations and world by JESUS, in The NAME of JESUS. In The NAME of JESUS, every territorial and global unclean root of abortion in our city, in our country and in our world, including, but not limited to: financial, academic, cultural, and self seeking will never again yield fruit, in The NAME of JESUS!

6.The Kindness, LOVE and Will of GOD will draw those in need so that we are able to best intercede, bringing about victories for eternal life through repentance, and receiving JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD, in JESUS’ NAME!

7.We commit ourselves to personal and global revival, rejoicing always and expressing forever thanksgiving for all things, giving every praise, and adoration to our FATHER, JESUS, and HOLY SPIRIT, now and forever, in JESUS’ NAME, AMEN!

In summation, we encourage our friends in CHRIST to serve as Restorers of Streets to Dwell In, both in Pittsburgh and outside of our city! We are most privileged to serve alongside you weekly and we are praying for you daily in the NAME of JESUS! We look forward with joyful hope to the unity of CHRIST’S Church, rooted and grounded in the LOVE of our JESUS! Please be most welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Together, we are the catalyst for Revival in Pittsburgh, around the U.S., and around GOD’S world, in JESUS’ NAME, AMEN! 

Restorers of Streets to Dwell In Pittsburgh

Witness, minister, worship, love, help, and save lives through the Power of The HOLY SPIRIT.

  • Church sponsored
  • Two 4.5 hours shifts
  • Fixed schedule
  • Volunteer
  • Any amount of time
  • Flexible schedule